From Coding Theory to Real-World Solutions: 8 Years of Programming Insights

5 min readFeb 5, 2024

As a software engineer with nearly a decade of experience under my belt, I’ve seen firsthand the disconnect between the theoretical programming world and the realities of building software in the trenches. Countless resources advocate for deep dives into complex algorithms and obscure data structures, leaving aspiring programmers feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what truly matters. I was one of them, spending years mastering theoretical concepts that rarely came into play in my day-to-day work. This article is my attempt to challenge the status quo and empower programmers to focus on what truly counts: solving real-world problems, building practical skills, and embracing the ever-evolving world of technology.

Chapter 1: The Myth of Programming Literature

When I was a young and naive programmer, I encountered countless internet experts who inundated me with their all-encompassing advice. Recently, I revisited the questions I had back then, only to find that nothing has changed in over a decade. It’s astonishing how the request for “collections of programming books” yields the same results — 800 volumes on computer science, 200 books on pure code, and one lonely language reference book at the very end. It seems that despite the simplicity of most programming tasks, many still pretend to be engaged in rocket science. But let’s face it, the majority of us are not building rockets. So why is everyone pretending otherwise? In this article, I will shed light on the reality of modern programming and the problems caused by influential figures refusing to accept the truth.

Chapter 2: The Real World of Programming

Solving Real Problems:
Most programmers enter the field to solve practical problems. Whether it’s creating a personal project or developing a social networking platform, the end goal is to address the needs of users. In reality, most of us are simply realizing other people’s visions and getting paid for it. Businesses care about functional buttons and meeting their own needs. So, I ask you, why would anyone choose to focus on theoretical tremors instead of solving real problems? It seems absurd to prioritize three volumes of Knuth and SICP (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) when they are highly specialized literature, rather than teaching how to solve applied problems.

The Harm of Theoretical Overload:
Amassing a collection of books that lean towards theory is more detrimental than beneficial for novice programmers. These materials may describe the programming world, but they don’t teach the practical skills required to address real-world challenges. As an ordinary programmer, you won’t need to create your own programming language or hash function for a hashmap — they have already been developed for you. These theoretical resources are better suited for those aiming to become academic grandfathers or for hardcore enthusiasts. It’s time to accept reality and acknowledge that practical online tutorials are far more useful for aspiring developers than some dusty theoretical volumes.

Chapter 3: Letting Go of Outdated Notions

The Evolving Landscape:
It’s no longer the 70s, and we shouldn’t idolize the past. The programming landscape has evolved, along with the requirements, tools, and tasks for programmers. Back then, not knowing what a linked list was meant you couldn’t program effectively with only 2 kilobytes of memory. Today, such limitations are largely irrelevant as modern compilers optimize better than humans. Anyone who argues otherwise should present facts to prove their point. And for those who fear that abandoning theoretical obsessions will result in slow, inefficient code — rest assured, it’s not about that anymore. Storytelling is a thing of the past, and only specific bottlenecks warrant optimization. No one cares about squeezing every last byte when memory is abundantly available.

Embrace the Applied Mindset:
Why am I sharing this information? It’s simple: I want you to accept the world as it is and plan your actions accordingly. Don’t fall into the trap set by anal-retentive individuals who want you to indulge in mental masturbation over computer science fundamentals. I made that mistake, and it cost me valuable time. While the knowledge can be interesting, it’s not crucial for the majority of programmers focused on solving real problems. Let’s leave the theoretical realm behind and embrace the craft of programming.

The Human Edge in a Digital World

While practical skills are essential, let’s not dismiss the value of critical thinking and adaptability. The programming landscape is ever-evolving, with new frameworks, languages, and challenges emerging constantly. Theoretical foundations, even if not directly applied, equip programmers to understand these innovations, make informed choices, and learn new concepts efficiently.

Chapter 4: The Symbiotic Relationship: Human and Machine

The future of programming likely lies in collaboration between humans and AI. Machines will excel at handling repetitive tasks, data analysis, and code generation, while humans will provide creativity, problem-solving, and the ability to navigate social and ethical considerations. Programmers who can leverage AI tools effectively will be at a significant advantage.

There’s a misconception that abandoning theory means throwing everything out the window. It’s more like pruning a bonsai tree: carefully removing unnecessary branches to allow the core structure to flourish. Keep the fundamental concepts that provide a solid foundation, but don’t get bogged down in esoteric details. Remember, the time you spend memorizing obscure algorithms could be better spent building real-world projects.

Chapter 5: Beyond Code: The Soft Skills Imperative

Technical skills are only half the equation. Communication, collaboration, and empathy are crucial for success in today’s tech landscape. Programmers need to effectively communicate with stakeholders, understand user needs, and work seamlessly within teams.

Conclusion: A Spectrum of Skills, Not a Binary Choice

The article presents a valuable counterpoint to the overemphasis on theory, but the ideal programmer isn’t just “applied” or “theoretical.” It’s about striking a balance. A strong foundation in core concepts combined with a passion for practical problem-solving, adaptability, and human-centric thinking will prepare programmers to thrive in the ever-changing world of technology.

Remember: Programming is not just about writing code; it’s about creativity, collaboration, and using technology to solve real-world problems that make a positive impact. Let’s embrace the unique strengths that both humans and machines bring to the table and work together to shape a brighter future.


In conclusion, it’s time to let go of the outdated notion that extensive theoretical knowledge is necessary for all programmers. The reality is that the majority of us are artisans, not scientists. We are here to solve applied problems and meet the needs of users and businesses. So, don’t get caught up in the allure of theoretical treasures. Instead, focus on honing your practical skills, learning from hands-on tutorials, and embracing the ever-evolving world of programming. Together, we can shape a future where applied knowledge reigns supreme.

I hope you enjoyed this article, and if you did, please like, share, and leave a comment. Let’s engage in a lively discussion about the realities of programming in the modern world! And remember, it’s okay to laugh at ourselves and our past misconceptions. After all, programming should also be fun!

